Our Class Info (Policy & Procedures)
Drop Off and Pick Up
Please drive slowly and carefully through the neighborhood to preserve our relationship with residents, business owners and the city. Carpooling is strongly encouraged as it cuts down on the flow of traffic. Your child will receive a class list to help in this effort. We will use a drive-through method as we feel it’s safer and faster than parking and walking the students inside. Students will exit the car on the passenger side onto the sidewalk in front of the building. Please be respectful of other parents and do not linger or use mobile phones in the drop off/pick up area. Children are not allowed to play in the parking area or grass for any reason. If you do choose to park, please use a parking stall and do not park in the drive-through zone. Students will need to be escorted by an adult if you are picking up early or arriving late. The disabled parking stall may be used only if you have a permit.
Tuition is $175 per month for the 3-year-olds, $235 per month for the 4-year-olds, $390 per month for the five-day 4-year-olds, $415 for the half-day 3rd year/Kindergarten, and $695 for the all-day 3rd year/Kindergarten. To enter Atlas Academy we require the enrollment form to be completed and returned with the $100 registration fee. Once received, the fee is non-refundable. Tuition is due by the 10th of each month. Please make the checks payable to Atlas Academy. There will be a $25.00 return check fee for any returned checks. No refunds will be given for days missed for vacation, illness, holidays, or other personal reasons. Failure to pay will result in accounts being sent to a third-party collection. All costs related will be a parents’ expense.
Open-Door Policy and Volunteer Time
Please feel free to visit the class at any time. We do not require, but welcome volunteers. We will be having special holiday parties and if you would like, sign up for volunteering at the open house that takes place at the beginning of the school year. I feel communication is important between the teachers and parents. We are available to answer any questions or discuss ideas or concerns. This may not be possible at the beginning or end of class as these are very busy times with the children arriving and leaving. If an emergency should arise, please call.
Learning Is Fun (Policy & Procedures)
Please provide your child with a regular sized backpack with his/her name marked on it each day. Your child will have items to bring home daily. This avoids confusion with papers and other items being lost. Children will receive a class folder. Please check and empty this folder daily for homework or notes from school. This is a great way to communicate with you. Your child needs to bring this folder into the classroom each day.
Homework will be given out each week. This should take not more than five minutes each week. Each child will have a homework folder to bring home. After having turned in five homework pages, your child will get a trip to the prize box. This reinforces what we are teaching in the classroom. This is not a requirement of the school but an option. The ‘reward value’ of the one-on-one time you give your child far outweighs anything in our prize box.
Show and Tell
3 Year Olds on Thursdays
4 Year Olds on Fridays
3rd Year/Kindergarten on Fridays
Show and Tell is a wonderful way to practice speaking in front of an audience. A monthly calendar telling parents what we are learning will be sent home each month. Parents may use this so their child’s show and tell coincides with the weekly theme. This is optional.
Monthly Newsletter
A newsletter will be emailed to you at the beginning of each month. This will provide you with upcoming events, please call if you have any questions.
Book Orders
We have monthly book orders through Scholastic Books. This is a great opportunity to encourage reading with your child. When ordering please use class code HR4RM.
Every child will have the opportunity to be the VIP. A poster to decorate and fill out will go home with you child prior to your child being VIP. It is a special week for your child!
We will celebrate each child’s birthday. We will try to celebrate on or as close to your child’s birthday as possible. If your child’s birthday is in the summer months, we will celebrate them one at a time throughout the school year. We would love for you to bring a special treat on their special day.
We will be providing snacks daily that go with the lesson plan. Please notify me of any allergies your child may have so we can accommodate him/her.
We will be furnishing a school directory to each family. The information given will be the following: parent and child’s name, address, and phone number. Please let me know if you choose not to have this information published. This is a great way for the children to maintain friendships outside of school.
Your Little Ones (Policy & Procedures)
Health and Safety
Your child’s health is a matter of great importance to us. Please keep your child at home if they have conditions such as: fever, rash, sore throat, inflamed eyes, diarrhea, vomiting, severe cough, etc. Your child will feel better being at home and receiving your love and attention. Please do not send medication to school as we are not permitted to dispense medicine. If your child has contracted a communicable disease, please let us know as soon as possible.
In Case of Emergency
If there is an emergency at school, we will immediately contact the parents. Please fill out all phone numbers requested on the enrollment form.
Class Cancellations
In case of an unexpected emergency, we may need to cancel school. We will contact you as soon as possible. If this happens twice within the school year we will have a make-up day the last week in May.
Bathroom Policy
Please make sure your child is completely potty trained before school begins. If there are any “words” used at home that you would like me to use, please let me know. Restrooms may be used at anytime during the day.
A Happy Classroom (Policy & Procedures)
Your child will be involved in many different kinds of “hands on” activities. We realize that it is tempting to dress your child in nice clothing for school, but please be aware that school is messy! We use washable products but their clothing still may get dirty. We will be painting, gluing, playing on the floor, and eating snacks. Please dress your child so that he/she may fully participate.
Classroom Management
All children will be treated with respect and dignity. Any physical or emotional punishment is prohibited. Young children are learning to explore and test their environment and should be allowed to do so within boundaries. School is not only learning basic academic skills, but also how to interact with ones’ peers, and how to listen to an authority figure outside of the parents. We will not have too many “rules”, but we do ask that the children treat each other and the teachers with respect. This means listening to each other and the teachers. We ask that children use kind words to solve conflicts. There will be behavior appropriate for certain times of our day, i.e. sitting quietly and listening to the story in circle time, etc. We do not expect the children to know these behaviors immediately and we will lovingly teach them what is expected. If it does arise that a child will not comply or forgets to be kind, we will first redirect that student to give them another chance to behave. If the child continues to choose not to behave they will be required to “sit” by a teacher until they understand what is expected of them and then the child will be invited back to the group. If this occurs, we will let the parent know. If you have any concerns about our discipline policy, please let us know.